3 Critical Reasons You Shouldn't Repair Your Garage Door Springs Yourself

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There's no question that a competent do-it-yourselfer can accomplish many repairs around the house. Performing these repairs yourself is an excellent way to save money and learn valuable skills. However, not every repair is suitable for the average do-it-yourselfer. Even worse, some jobs may be unsuitable for even accomplished home craftspeople.

While you might not think that something as seemingly simple as your garage door would fit into this category, it's arguably one of the few items in your home that you should always leave to a professional. If you're thinking about tackling a problem with your garage door springs the next time you have a few hours, here are three reasons you should reconsider and contact a pro instead.

1. Safety  

If you stop reading right now, here's the one thing you should take away from this article: garage door springs are dangerous. Do-it-yourselfers aren't strangers to warnings about danger, but many of these describe relatively uncommon or unlikely problems. On the other hand, garage doors injure thousands of people every year.

Safety is an issue when repairing garage doors due to the springs, which experience high tension loads, and the door's weight. A garage door with broken or damaged springs may behave unpredictably or fall suddenly, putting you at risk if you aren't expecting it. These dangers make working with a garage door one of your home's most dangerous tasks and something best left to the professionals.

2. Spring Sizing

Like all springs, the torsion springs in your garage door exist to store energy. When you lower your garage door, the spring saves mechanical energy, which you later release as you lift the door. The springs assist in raising the door while also ensuring that it moves smoothly and evenly. Faulty springs can cause a garage door to drop suddenly or fail to open correctly.

Because springs work with the garage door's weight, it's crucial to size them correctly. Incorrectly-sized springs can create balance problems and even place a substantial amount of wear and tear on other components. Accurately sizing springs (especially if you have an uncommon door size or brand) relies on specialized knowledge and experience.

3. Legal Issues

Because they are so dangerous, some states impose restrictions on the sale of torsion springs, making it impossible to (easily) purchase them as a homeowner. Even in states where it's legal to purchase torsion springs, you may still have trouble finding these specialized and potentially hazardous items in your local big box home improvement store.

Always check with your local codes before attempting any repairs. Even better, avoid the hassle altogether by hiring an expert to repair your garage door's springs. 

For more information, contact a garage door repair service. 
